Stag Steering Group meeting notes 2nd March 2021

1. Status Update on the 309 Core Investment Period Trees

1.1 After a brief discussion about the ongoing lack of progress the following actions were agreed.

1.2 Paul S would chase Darren Butt again about the Kenwood Park Road and Kenbourne Road joint investigations that were scheduled to begin four weeks ago, but were cancelled at the last minute. These haven’t been re-scheduled yet.

1.3 Christine would chase Amey and SCC again about the lack of publication of the details of the definitely saved trees

1.4 Christine would chase Darren Butt again about the 5+ trees Amey still want to fell, and when there was going to be a discussion about them.


2.1 There are seven trees which STAG have queried but only one where Christine has received a response.

2.2 Paul S raised concerns about Amey’s lack of coordination and the risk that the six at risk may be felled in error unless we chase a response.

2.3 Christine agreed to let Helen Kemp know the details of these six trees and Helen agreed to contact Carl Ellison at Amey.

3. Street Tree Strategy 

3.1 Paul S stated what he’d posted on the STAG Steering Group Facebook page last week. There were no questions.

3.2 Deepa had previously raised a question about whether there should be a commitment for a five-yearly review. Paul S took an action to urgently raise this with the Partnership Group.

4. Progress towards establishing Future STAG

4.1 Annie is concentrating on the General Meeting and so wasn’t able to update on much.

4.2 Chris wasn’t in attendance so wasn’t able to add anything.

4.3 Only two people have so far nominated themselves to be future Committee members (Christine and Russell)

4.4 Helen, Phil and Paul S all confirmed they would be standing down in April.

4.5 Paul S raised the issue of the real risk that only two people would volunteer and that this wouldn’t be enough.

4.6 There was a long discussion and there was speculation that people may not be volunteering because it wasn’t clear enough what future STAG would be about and what the roles on the future Committee might involve.

4.7 It was agreed that all current Steering Group members would try to nudge friends and contacts into volunteering to be a Future STAG committee member.

4.8 Paul S took a specific action to contact a STAG member that Chris Rust had previously suggested might be interested.

4.9 Annie took an action to contact all existing Steering Group members via the Steering Group Facebook page to see if any of them were going to stay on.

5. Progress towards organising the General Meeting

5.1 Following on from the previous agenda item, we agreed to re-order the agenda so that the Election/Appointment of Future Committee members would be the last agenda item. This would hopefully allow the first three items to provoke volunteers on the day.

5.2 Christine agreed to chair the General Meeting as a whole.

5.3 Christine agreed to draft a “General Background Update” for the first agenda item, to be shared with all Future STAG members a week before the General Meeting. This would then be circulated with existing Steering Group members for approval beforehand.

5.4 Christine agreed to contact Chris to ask him to do something similar for the second agenda item, the Financial Update.

5.5 The third agenda item will be about Future STAG aims. Helen agreed to re-post this on STAG Steering Group Facebook page. Someone needs to lead this agenda item at the General Meeting and, ideally, draft something for circulation to all members, before the General Meeting.

6. AOB

6.1 Christine noted that she’d been approached for an interview in Now Then magazine.

6.2 Christine also informed SG that she’d been approached about whether STAG should ask all political parties ahead of the Council elections whether they’d commit to an Enquiry into the Street Tree Crisis. All Steering Group members agreed we should, and Russell took an action to do this.

6.3 Christine asked for information about the “free additional plantings” Paul S had been able to identify for the NESST area, via an historic FoI and a recent FOI. Paul S outlined the complex background and advised Christine to contact David Wain.

6.4 Annie asked about a sick looking tree she’d reported repeatedly and for which she’d had no response from Streets Ahead. She asked what she should do next. Christine had the latest information on that tree and said she’d forward that to Annie. 

6.5 In general though, Amey are not responding to many issues however they are reported. Paul S took an action to make contact via the Street Tree Warden network to raise our concerns that incidents raised were being ignored.

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STAG Steering Group meeting notes 2nd February 2021

1. Progress towards setting up Future STAG

1.1 131 people have so far signed up to the new STAG organisation. Of these, 91 were also signed up to the new STAG Members Facebook page.

1.2 Chris R was content with progress, and all other Steering Group members thanked Chris for his efforts.

1.3 All the requested documentation has been signed and witnessed to protect STAG funds in their interim status. Paul S confirmed that the remaining STAG Legal Funds have been transferred from the Nether Edge Tree Fund account to their new home.

2. Upcoming First General Meeting of Future STAG

2.1 Annie Franklin, the new STAG acting Membership Secretary outlined plans for the first General Meeting of the new STAG organisation.

2.2 The draft agenda was agreed. It will include a vote to endorse the interim Constitution agreed by current STAG Steering Group two months ago, subject to a few minor tweaks Annie had identified.

2.3 The agenda will also include two reports. One from the STAG Chairperson, outlining recent and upcoming activities. The other from the STAG Treasurer, outlining the STAG funding history, and the current state of funds.

2.4 The date of the meeting was agreed as the evening of Tuesday 13th April. Working backwards, that means that nominations for key roles in the new organisation will need to be submitted by 23rd March.

2.5 It was therefore agreed that the request for nominations for volunteers for posts would go out this week.

3. ATMP 2021

3.1 STAG Steering Group members have visited all the listed trees that Amey want to fell in 2021. Most were approved as obviously requiring felling with only seven queried. Additional details on the queried trees have been requested.

3.2 The Council have launched a new map on the Street Trees page of their website which shows the details of all the trees they are intending to fell.

4. The 309 Core Investment Period Trees

4.1 Paul S raised queries about why there was still no progress about the trees already saved but not published as saved, the trees that still need to be Jointly Inspected and the five trees Amey still want to fell. He also requested timescales for these actions.

4.2 Following a brief discussion it was agreed that Paul S would chased Karen Ramsey (SCC) about the publication of trees already saved, and Russell would ask a question of Mark Jones at the upcoming Public Cabinet Meeting.

4.3 SG were content that Kenwood Park Road and Kenbourne Road were going to be jointly investigated in the next two to three weeks despite the lack of timely notification.

4.4 Christine will chase Darren Butt about the five trees Amey still want to fell.

5. New STAG Members Facebook Page

5.1 There was a discussion about issues with one individual on the new Facebook page and a course of action was agreed.

6. Bat Boxes on Threatened Trees

6.1 Christine raised a question about whether we should let Amey know about where bat boxes erected by STAG members were located. It was agreed that it would be left for local groups to decide what actions to take.

7. Yorkshire Post Opinion Piece

7.1 The Yorkshire Post have offered STAG an 850 word Opinion piece in this Saturday’s edition. 7.2 Chris Rust, Rebecca Hammond and Rich Ward agreed to collaborate on drafting the piece by Friday’s deadline.

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STAG Steering Group meeting notes – 5th January 2021

1. Financial Assurance

1.1 Chris has continued to progress all the tasks agreed a month ago. The draft documents had all been signed off by Steering Group members a week earlier.

1.2 Documentation will be completed in the next week or so and, as soon as this is done, it will allow for the transfer of STAG funds.

1.3 Steering Group formally thanked Chris for his efforts.

2. Progress towards establishing Future STAG

2.1 There are now 93 members of “Future STAG” who have signed up using the Membership form that has been widely circulated.

2.2 Chris and Phil Yates are acting as “Membership Secretary” for now. Jane Miller may eventually take up this role.

2.3 Googlegroups are being set up to ensure confidentiality of email addresses, and around 63 of the members are also on the new “invite only” STAG members Facebook page.

2.3 Annie Franklin, known to Chris and Helen Kemp, has agreed to take on the role of organising the first AGM, including the important tasks of replacing interim Committee members with elected members, as well as consulting on and signing off the interim constitution.

3. 2021 Felling List

3.1 Roughly 180 trees were on this list, submitted to STAG in late November. The majority of these were already known to STAG and were clearly dead or badly diseased.

3.2 Only 44 remain to be visited by STAG SG members, and Russell, Christine and Helen allocated these amongst themselves.

4. Additional Street Tree Planting Process

4.1 Paul S had updated STAG SG just before Christmas in written format, and briefly updated verbally.

5. Phytopthera Tree Disease Conference

5.1 Caroline couldn’t attend the meeting but had provided a written update just before the meeting.

6. Kids Plant Trees Request

6.1 An organisation called Kids Plant Trees had contacted Christine seeking to add STAG to a petition to Sheffield City Council requesting that SCC announce a “Biodiversity Crisis”.

6.2 After a short discussion Steering Group members supported this request.

7. Bullying and Harrassment

7.1 Steering Group discussed what needed to be done in regard to recent issues and agreed a plan of action.

7.2 It was suggested that there would be a need for new administration rules on the new STAG Members Facebook page.

8. AOB

8.1 Heather has been unable to take forward the work to produce a fortnightly/monthly News Update for all STAG Supporters because of illness.

8.2 Steering Group agreed to this work being postponed until “Future STAG” is fully established.

8.3 Steering Group formally recorded their thanks to Heather for continuing with her daily update posts on the STAG Facebook page.

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STAG Meeting notes: 1st December 2020

1. The 309 Core Investment Period Trees

1.1 Paul S contacted Karen Ramsey at SCC to get clear information on what is happening about these trees.

1.2 She stated that Joint Investigations on the 40 or so trees still to be investigated will re-start sometime in January.

1.3 Amey will set up a meeting soon to discuss the current 5 or so trees they still want to fell.

1.4 The publication of the findings of all the trees already investigated is with David Wain in SCC to sign off.

1.4 Paul S has reported this back to SNET members. He will give it another two weeks before asking Karen for her support again.

2. Progress towards creating “Future STAG”

2.1 Chris Rust has stepped in to do what is needed. The draft constitution for “Future STAG” was agreed by existing Steering Group members a number of weeks ago now.

2.2 In the last week, Chris has also drafted: 

– A number of versions of a letter to go out to various different groups of people inviting them to join Future STAG

– A membership sign up form

– A timeline that aims to be the guiding plan to take the Future STAG to its first AGM in roughly April, at which point a new Elected Committee would be elected, and existing Steering Group members would stand down.

2.3 SG thanked Chris for his hard work.

3. Progress towards mitigating the impact of the SNET bank account closing

3.1 At the last Steering Group meeting, it had been confirmed that it was very difficult under Covid-19 for community groups to set up new bank accounts.

3.2 With the SNET bank account closing down by mid-January at the latest, which holds two pots of STAG funds, Rebecca and Heather had been tasked to work with Chris to put in place mitigations to ensure those two pots could be given to STAG safely. It was important to ensure there was sufficient documentation to allow funds to be transferred to the account which already currently holds the STAG General Fund. This documentation needs to provide sufficient protection for the signatories of the SNET account, existing STAG Steering Group members, and Future STAG Steering Group members.

3.3 Chris had provided some draft wording for one of these documents. A bit more work was needed on some of the other documents.

3.4 SG thanked Chris for making progress.

4. The proposed Sheffield Council Repository

4.1 Despite Russell chasing Cllr Mark Jones about this there has been no progress. 

4.2 Meanwhile there were fears from some that documents were being destroyed.

4.3 Russell took an action to further chase Cllr Jones, and also to consider contacting the LGO directly stating that STAG had no faith in SCCs promises to the LGO.

5. Proposed Legal Crowdfunder

5.1 After the comprehensive discussion on this topic last month, Russell had fulfilled his action of contacting the individual proposing legal action and seeking more detail on the specifics of what legal activity he was considering. As yet that person has not responded.

6. Regular STAG Communications to supporters via Facebook

6.1 Heather had committed to begin a process of collating topics and then writing regular (fortnightly or monthly) updates to all STAG supporters on Facebook. 

6.2 She reported that she hasn’t been able to action this as yet but has committed to beginning this soon.

7. Western Road

7.1 As part of National Tree week an additional tree was planted on Western Road by Amey, as a donation. Christine and Robin Ridley participated in the planting.

8. Residents attacking street trees

8.1 Ann Anderson and Christine King both gave updates on residents taking negative action against street trees.

8.2 Ann updated on a resident who was pruning the top off a sapling. Darren Butt and Brian Stocks are involved and supportive of remedial action.

8.3 Christine updated on another example on another road where a developer was filmed allegedly poisoning a tree. After extensive chasing, SCC have finally agreed (as owner of the tree) to submit a case to the Police, so the Police can formally investigate.

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STAG Steering Group meeting notes – 10th November 2020

1. Merchandise

1.1 Caroline Millman picked up the remaining unsold STAG merchandise from Cecilie about a month ago. 

1.2 Caroline has successfully sold £326 of merchandise in the last 3 weeks.

1.3 There are about 30 aprons and lots of cards still in stock, the latter being particularly hard to sell.

2. Tree Disease Forum about phytophthora

2.1 Caroline has made great progress this last month and the date is set for 2nd December, via Zoom.

2.2 Lots of national experts coming. Caroline will facilitate the Forum and Paul S will also play a significant role.

2.3 The aim will be to get an agreed strategy for dealing with the infected trees on Thornsett Road and other similar locations.

3. The Core Investment Period trees under threat

3.1 All the remaining 309 trees under threat in the CIP period will be removed from the list and formally “saved”.

3.2 However, Amey will then re-submit a list of trees into the agreed joint process that they still want to fell. Whilst it was agreed that this was a positive move overall it did leave some questions unanswered. Christine and Paul S have met with Darren Butt about this and reported back to SG. 

3.3 Darren was very reassuring. He accepted that trees awaiting Joint Investigation will still be investigated as agreed. 

3.4 He also agreed that we should test the process for trees Amey still wanted to fell, which STAG have disputed, by convening a full discussion to build trust. 

3.5 Paul S will put this verbal agreement in writing, send it to Darren, and Karen from SCC to ensure a proper audit trail.

4. Poor Amey communications

4.1 Paul S raised this as there have been two recent poor examples of Amey communications. 4.2 Firstly there was the surprise announcement of work on Rundle Road and then a similar situation with Western Road. STAG only found out about these two actions when road closure notices were installed. 

4.3 After discussion the consensus was that Amey internal communications are so chronically poor that we have no option but to cope with these circumstances as they arise.

4.4 However, Paul S took an action to include concern at poor Amey communications in his email to Darren and Karen previously noted in 3.5 above.

4.5 In addition Helen Kemp took an action to contact her contact in Amey (Yvonne in Comms) requesting Amey’s advance plans.

5. Future of STAG

5.1 No progress has been made in the last 4 weeks since the new constitution was signed off by existing Steering Group members.

5.2 Rebecca took an action to work with Chris to push this forward as all recognised the urgency of this matter. Heather agreed to support Rebecca with this action.

5.3 Rebecca to put together a suggested email to send to existing mailing lists asking for volunteers

6. STAG Bank Account

6.1 No further progress has been made on new arrangements required; banks aren’t opening new bank accounts due to Covid.

6.2 Paul S emphasised the risks to the members of the Future STAG Steering Group, given that the SNET Bank Account will be closed in the next 2 months. 

6.3 SG members agreed that a contingency plan needed to be put in place.

6.4 Rebecca, supported by Heather, agreed to work with Chris to formulate a plan.

7. Archive/Repository

7.1 Russell Johnson has been interacting with Cllr Mark Jones on this topic.

7.2 Cllr Jones seems genuine about wanting it to be as transparent an archive as possible and is listening to suggestions from Russell and others. 

7.3 Russell will continue to talk with Cllr Jones to progress.

8. Potential legal actions

8.1 A campaigner is proposing potential legal action in relation to the campaign and is asking about possible support from STAG in a variety of ways.

8.2 After extensive discussion Russell undertook to discuss the matter in detail with the campaigner to clarify the details of the proposed action and what assistance, if any, STAG could offer before any action is approved.

9. Moderators and Administration of STAG Facebook

9.1 Ann Anderson provided an update saying that there are now just four moderators and, whilst traffic is low, there are still “peak incidents” which can be time consuming.

9.2 She made it clear that “Future STAG” will need to find new Moderators in the New Year.

10. AOB

10.1 The remaining whips will be given to an educational scheme that aims to grow these on and replant as urban trees. Russell is leading this.

10.2  Tree decorations/ribbons. These are becoming increasingly worn. It was agreed that it was for local groups to decide whether to keep or to dispose of them, though iconic items should be kept for historic value (for example items from Western Road).

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STAG Steering Group meeting notes – 6th October 2020

1. Update on the Joint Investigations Process

1.1 This needs clarity from Amey and SCC on timelines and plans for the four sub-categories within the 309 CIP trees. 

1.2 The four sub-categories of trees are:

  a. Trees that SCC and Amey agree will be retained, but which haven’t been formally announced

  b. Trees that are on roads which need “whole road solutions”

  c. Trees that Amey still want to fell

  d. Trees that still need to be jointly investigated.

1.3 So far there has only been an update to Christine on one of the above sub-categories. That is the 40 (ish) trees that still need jointly investigating. 

1.4 On the topic of trees that still need Joint Investigations, Darren Butt has pushed the date on this back to January 2021 at the earliest. He wants to ensure SCC decisions on the other three sub-categories are made first, as he believes this will give Amey greater freedom to work around and save the 40 remaining trees to be investigated. This made sense to Steering Group. 

1.5 On the other three sub-categories, Christine agreed to take these away and press Darren for clarity

2. New dead and diseased trees which Amey are identifying for felling

2.1 SG agreed that Helen Kemp is doing an amazing job of keeping a record of all the new felling recommendations, which are coming through in dribs and drabs, not always from the agreed sources.

2.2 Karen Ramsey (SCC) has recently started sharing Amey felling recommendations with the Street Tree Strategy Partnership Group. These are different trees to the ones Helen is made aware of via Amey. Paul S questioned whether anyone understood how they all related to each other. Nobody did know and Helen in particular agreed that we needed to understand the relationship.

2.3 Paul S agreed to take an action to speak to Karen. 

2.4 (Update – Paul has spoken to Karen who was also confused and she has agreed to speak to Darren to clarify matters)

3. LGO Criticism of SCC

3.1 The highly critical report into SCC by the LGO is due for publication on 14th October.

3.2 Yorkshire Post will be reporting on this. 

3.3 Other Steering Group members felt that further urgent press work was probably needed as soon as the report was published, so Heather took an action to speak to Chris Rust to re-convene the STAG media group for this one day.

4. Future of STAG

4.1 The draft constitution has not yet been shared with Steering Group members.

4.2 Heather gave an update to say that Chris Rust would be sharing the draft this week.

4.3 She would then set up an additional STAG Steering Group video call next week to discuss and sign off the draft.

5. STAG Bank Account

5.1 Paul S raised the issue again of the SNET bank account which will be closed in December or January and that therefore STAG needed to set up its own bank account asap.

5.2 Understandably it can’t be set up until the constitution is agreed but this means the issue is becoming more urgent.

5.3 Paul S emphasised how long it had taken to set up the SNET account and that it could take anything up to 6 months to set up the STAG account from the application to having a functioning account. 

5.4 This means that when the SNET bank account closed, significant money would need to be moved to someone’s personal account, until the STAG account was open. Heather reported that Chris R was ok with this scenario at present. However Paul S reminded SG that some of the money in the SNET account was donated on the basis it would not go into a personal account and that there may be significant legal implications if a fully constituted organisation used a personal account. 

5.5 Heather agreed to consider these points again with Chris.

6. Communications to STAG Supporters about Street Tree Strategy

6.1 Rebecca raised this agenda item to consider how feedback from the Street Tree Strategy Partnership Group could be shared with wider STAG Facebook Group supporters.

6.2 Paul S was unable to take on additional work in this area so Heather agreed to do a fortnightly post on the STAG Facebook page.

7. HS2 posts on the STAG Facebook Group

7.1 There have been lots of these recently, and the comments thread nearly always became argumentative which then caused the moderators lots of work.

7.2 Banning HS2 posts was suggested but some Steering Group members disagreed with that measure. A compromise was therefore agreed whereby one post about HS2 per week would be allowed.

7.3 Lee Armstrong undertook to speak to the person who is the main poster on HS2 matters on the Stag FB page.

8. Independent Inquiry

8.1 Russell Johnson updated Steering Group members to say that Justin Buxton had agreed to be a member of the “Future STAG” Steering Group, when that was set up, and would lead on the continuing call for an Independent Inquiry.

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STAG Steering Group meeting notes 1st September 2020

1. Joint Investigations

1.1 At the last Steering Group meeting on 11th August there was a discussion about the need to push SCC to deal with the trees already investigated in order to formally announce the ones we know are saved and to set up a meeting about the ones Amey still wanted to fell.

1.2 Christine reported back that she has recently auctioned this and is awaiting a response from Amey.

1.3 Paul S asked whether we had had any news about when the final 40 or so joint investigations would re-start, given the “holiday pause” after 8th August. Helen Kemp had asked Amey to give us a schedule, but had not heard back.

2. Further Trees Identified for Felling

2.1 Back in January, Amey had sent STAG a list of around 200 dead, dying and diseased trees that they wanted to fell in 2020. STAG Steering Group members had visited nearly all of these, accepted most, and challenged roughly 20 seeking more information.

2.2  Amey hadn’t sent us this extra information, even though they thought they had and were blaming STAG for the hold up! However we are back on track now. The majority of the ones we challenged have been reprieved. For a few more the additional information was sufficient to justify felling.

2.3 There are six left. Helen Kemp and Paul S are meeting Amey tomorrow to inspect the three in the SNET area. It wasn’t fully clear what was happening with the other three, but Helen is on top of it.

3. Street Tree Strategy Partnership Group

3.1 Paul S updated Steering Group members on the work in the Street Tree Strategy Partnership Group.

3.2 Street Tree Wardens – Paul S updated everyone about how 39 people volunteered by the deadline. Mainly in South and West Sheffield, but actually across most of the city. Darren Butt is setting up a meeting with Liz Ballard and Paul S to discuss next steps, in terms of a training session via videoconference. Also about how we allocate geographic areas.

3.3 Various members of Steering Group noted that the training would ideally include the topic of contractors working around street trees, including what constitutes good and bad practice, and what to do when bad practice is spotted.

3.4 Additional Street Tree Planting – Paul S updated everyone about the two schemes, one on Abbeydale Road, which has reached 20% of its target £15,000 crowdfunding. The other being the SNET scheme to use up our remaining funds on the purchase of 9 additional trees.

3.5 Testing the felling approval process – Christine and Paul S updated colleagues on how SCC had shared two new Amey felling recommendations with the Strategy Partnership Group, to test the new process for approving (or otherwise) Amey felling recommendations. I noted how they were good examples. One of Ash Dieback, where I wasn’t challenging the felling, but was requesting a high stump be left for habitat value. The other being a potentially spurious subsidence claim from a household near a tree, which Amey had barely scrutinised. The debate at the next meeting is likely to be “interesting.”

4. Tree Disease Conference

4.1 Caroline Millman shared her detailed proposal with Heather, Phil and Paul S just prior to the meeting but she wasn’t able to attend.

4.2 A brief discussion was held about the main update, that the conference was going to be online, and hopefully in October or November.

5. Reformation of STAG

5.1 Sixteen people attended the Video Conference that Shelley organised. She reported that it achieved what had been aimed for, and there was now a small group of people taking forward the establishment of the successor group to STAG.

5.2 Christine is typing up notes of this Video Conference, and will share them with STAG Steering Group.

5.3 The constitution for the new group is being drafted by Chris Rust, and that will also be shared with STAG Steering Group members for comment.

5.4 The constitution is necessary for a STAG Bank Account to be set up.

6. Allegations of poisoning of street trees

6.1 This was a follow on from a STAG Steering Group Facebook post that Ann Anderson had raised. Residents in Dore and Totley had spotted a developer possibly pouring chemicals around some street trees that they wanted removing in relation to their housing development which SCC hadn’t approved.

6.2 Christine is asking whether SCC can move to prosecute as an example. There has been an issue with this in the past where SCC have not done anything to pursue prosecutions. This has left developers and residents with a clear incentive to damage and poison trees, in full knowledge that there would be no consequences.

6.3 Christine is also trying to work on the wider issue. It appears that Amey Tree Officers have come across other examples of this across the city, with evidence, but aren’t being supported by Amey management or SCC to progress any prosecutions.

7. Reporting dead/dying saplings

7.1 Shelley raised this subject. She was using the SRHA complaints website, but wasn’t sure whether other people had previously reported the same dead trees, nor whether Amey were doing anything about the reports she raised. Paul S commented that Amey were taking in the reports, and that these and the many trees I’d also reported dead and diseased would likely be on the felling list for 2021.

7.2 Shelley raised the wider point about whether more could be done to allow these to be shown on an interactive map or something similar. There is a wider discussion ongoing in the Street Tree Strategy Partnership Group about making Amey’s tree data transparent for all on a map.

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STAG Steering Group notes: 7th July 2020

1. Joint Investigations

1.1 No progress since last month.

1.2 Paul S offered to contact Karen Ramsey in SCC, who works for Mick Crofts, to see if he could get her to prompt Mick.

2. Street Tree Strategy Meeting

2.1 Paul S referred everyone to the outcome of the latest meeting which had been posted on the STAG Steering Group Facebook page the week before.

2.2 A query was raised about progress on volunteer street tree wardens. Paul S stated that progress was painfully slow. Initially because of SCC delays and more recently because of delays by Amey.

2.3 Christine mentioned the upcoming Sheffield Tree Week, starting next week, where the Street Tree Strategy would be mentioned.

3. Tree Disease Symposium

3.1 No progress since last month

3.2 Caroline apologised that there wasn’t much time to organise for August and September. However she would aim to organise something for October or November, via videoconference.

4. Future of STAG

4.1 No progress since last month. 

4.2 Paul S reminded people of the importance of progress in this regard, given that the SNET bank account would be closing down over the next six months. 

4.3 This means that STAG would need its own bank account and, to have a bank account, STAG needs a constitution.

4.4 It was emphasised that STAG also needed a constitution to make progress on a future as a membership organisation and to bring in fresh blood to create new impetus.

4.5 Heather and Russell agreed to try to take this forward.

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STAG Future: Inaugural Meeting: 19th August 2020

Present: Shelley C, Russell J, Helen K, Heather R, Valentina B, Mark, Carol C, Joy B, Richard W, Nicola G, Christine K, Ruth H, Marika P, Justin B

31 people expressed interest so turnout good. Valentina is here as an observer.

Agenda Items

1. What type of organisation should it be?

We only need a loose structure at present – we haven’t precisely decided what we will do and form follows function.

Initial consultation at event suggested that an Unincorporated Association was the best fit. Although a UA can have neither paid staff nor bid for funds, nor enter into contracts, we could in future change to something more formal if that became useful.

It can enter into agreements, such as we have currently with SCC and Amey. 

The structure doesn’t need to be complicated – needs constitution which among other things describes the governing committee, required roles, how often it meets etc

The name STAG needs to carry on, partly because it’s a recognised brand that other protest groups reach out to help, partly because our agreements with Amey/SCC are with STAG.

2. What Does STAG Want to do?

Suggested text

The Aims of STAG shall be to protect and to support the development of urban trees and urban green space, especially in the areas where people live, work and travel.

Flipcharts at the previous event listed

Street Tree Strategy – development and monitoring Monitoring Amey Inquiry/Investigation – at the minimum need to understand what happened, gain apology Keeping our trees safe and cared for – whether young or old – not just street trees Providing expertise and support to other campaign groups Expanding awareness of the benefits of street trees/trees Influencing planning applications Wider green space / envirionmental issues

Comments at the meeting, which are broadly similar

Influencing planning, and other bodies Wider green space issues Promote and protect urban environment Health and welfare of green infrastructure – lobby relevant statutory bodies Communication and awareness raising Need to maintain continuity, in particular of current agreements and co-working processes with Amey and SCC Maintain our name/brand as it is widely known outside Sheffield

3. What structure should it have?

Needs a Treasurer and three signatories, one of whom must be the Treasurer. 

Potential roles include Press, Membership, SCC/Amey liaison, Legal, though these don’t necessarily need to be named posts.

Whether or not to charge a membership fee isn’t yet clear – could be a donation as to allow entry to those on lower incomes to be involved. Need to be clear about what the charge is for – currently would be admin as there are no planned schemes. It was noted that there are venues that offer rooms for free.

Could use donations/crowd-funding for larger items.

Membership would control a mailing list and voting rights.

4. Tasks list

 a. Define/describe green urban

 b. Determine legal status of group

 c. Issue Expression of Interest for different roles

 d. Establish voting rights

 e. Constitution – draft by September,

 f. Create google group for interested parties

 5. AOB

There was an offer to help with the constitution from someone not on FB. Shelley to get an email address to Christine to engage this person (Charles).

Inquiry – is wanted by many but needs people who are able to take it forward; currently a small number of people are doing a great deal of work and can’t take this on as well. 

Part of a new group’s role would be to distribute work amongst more people to as to be more effective and take on new ideas.

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STAG Steering Group notes: 11th August 2020

1. Joint Investigations

1.1 After prompting to Karen in SCC, Joint Investigations of the remaining threatened trees yet to be investigated has finally re-started two weeks ago.

1.2 They’ve been focused in the Meersbrook area so far, on Meersbrook Park Road and Binfield Road

1.3 Russell, Heather and Christine all reported that the crew doing the work were excellent, and the supervisor had also been very good, giving the crew leeway to formulate innovative solutions to save trees.

1.4 This included some great work around a very hard to save tree on Binfield Road, with work taking 1.5 days to complete for just the one tree.

1.4 Three trees on MPR are impossible to save using the pre-approved solutions, and would require build outs and/or missing kerb stones to save. These have been sent for review at SCC.

1.5 Paul S asked Christine whether there was any progress from Amey and SCC on publishing details of trees which appear to have been fully saved, setting a date for a meeting to talk about the six or so trees that Amey still want to fell, a timeline for the roads requiring “whole road solutions and dates for the remaining investigations, once the Meersbrook area trees have been completed. Christine said she’d asked these questions of Darren and Mick when she met them the day before, but they hadn’t answered. Therefore a proposal to set up a weekly progress chasing meeting with Mick and Darren to ensure progress with one additional member of SG present was made and agreed for Christine to action.

2. Street Tree Strategy Implementation

2.1 Paul S updated Steering Group members about the Volunteer Tree Warden scheme progress, and also about the additional planting process that Is being tested in Nether Edge and that Joel Shute is testing on Abbeydale Road. Everyone seemed pleased with progress

2.2 Paul S also updated about the 200+ responses to the public engagement exercise so far.

2.3 Rebecca raised a query as to whether Christine or Paul S could think of any topics we could feed to supporters that they could press for in their own responses. Christine suggested a focus on standards when workers are working around trees. Paul S took an action to think about this in more detail.

3. Tree Disease Symposium

3.1 Carolyn Millman couldn’t attend and had sent a brief update. Here has been no progress in the last month but it would be her top focus after her return from leave.

4. Progress towards the reformation of STAG

4.1 Russell, Heather, and Christine updated Steering Group members on a meeting they had had with Chris Rust to take this forward.

4.2 Chris has offered to be interim Treasurer, whilst the new group is being set up. He will also be drafting a constitution for comment by all Steering Group members (and other volunteers for the new group). This will act as an interim constitution whilst the new group finds its feet

4.3 Having an interim constitution will allow a bank account to be set up for the group.

4.4 Heather took an action to write up a brief message for all local group leads to send a consistent message out to their supporters about the next steps.

5. ATMP Dead and Dying Trees

5.1 Paul S asked Christine whether there had been any update from Amey on the new list of dead or dying trees that Amey wanted to fell which STAG had challenged.

5.2 Christine reported that no update has been received. Paul S will chase those in Nether Edge specifically.

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STAG Steering Group notes: 2nd June 2020

1. Street Tree Strategy Implementation Group Update

1.1 Christine and Paul S gave an update on progress.

1.2 Paul S updated about the additional planting of trees in Nether Edge application. 40 locations have been suggested to Amey, and 20 have been approved with no issues. Of the 20 rejected, about 10 are clear valid rejections (eg utilities, phone lines, signs etc) and probably not rectifiable by moving the location slightly. However the other 10 potential sites warrant further discussion. All this is obviously prior to discussing costs, or considering resident views.

1.3 There was a debate about the fine line to be walked between taking residents views into account and not bending to the will of people who will always object to further street tree planting. 

1.4 Paul S also updated on the volunteer Street Tree Wardens process. A draft advert and role description still needs to be signed off by SCC. After that, it should be advertised soon.

1.5 Christine is doing a final proof read before the publication of the glossy Strategy. This had thrown up a couple of paragraphs that needed updating.

Christine and Paul S also mentioned the Public Engagement exercise that is likely to run between July and September. That is to ensure that residents and community groups are allowed to feed in views about the “Working Draft” we’re using in 20/21, so it can be tweaked into a final document in 21/22 onwards.

2. Legal Work

2.1 This is now paused and unlikely to be re-opened, unless conflict begins again.

3. Inquiry

3.1 No progress on this and Covid-19 seems to have removed hopes of moving this forward.

4. Tree Disease Symposium

4.1 Caroline Millman put forward the possibility of this now being run via videoconference in some slightly modified format. Steering Group agreed, though it may still be some while before it can be progressed.

4.2 Paul S took an action to draft the story of Thornsett Road as a case study for use in the videoconference.

5. 1000 Oak Saplings

5.1 Two months back, there was the potential for STAG to purchase 1000 oak saplings, to prevent them from being composted. However the company selling them didn’t reply to emails, and when they eventually did, they admitted that the saplings hadn’t been watered in the meantime. 

5.2 Given that there is every likelihood that many may have died in the interim, so a purchaser might only receive 400 live ones after purchasing 1000 Paul Brooke made the decision not to go ahead with the purchase on behalf of STAG.

6. Future of STAG

6.1 At the Tree Huggas celebration event in early 2020 there was a consultation about the vision for a future STAG.

6.2 It received wholly positive feedback, including a couple of additional volunteers for working on the conversion of STAG from a collective of representatives of local campaign groups, into a membership organisation, with a constitution, and set up as an unincorporated organisation.

6.3 Paul Brooke will draft a STAG Facebook post on the process to be shared with local action groups.

7. Paul Brooke position as co-chair of STAG

7.1 Paul Brooke will be stepping down as co-chair of STAG over the next month owing to a change in his circumstances.

7.2 After a discussion about whether any SG members would like to volunteer to co-chair it was agreed that Christine would continue in the position on her own. In light of this, Paul S emphasised the importance of moving to a new organisational structure asap.

7.3 There was unanimous praise for Paul B and for everything he has done for the campaign. He will announce his retirement on Facebook in the coming days.

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STAG Steering Group notes: 5th May 2020

1. Facebook Page Moderation

1.1 Mods are putting posts on approval overnight or if nobody is available. Traffic is low currently, apart from some pictures of primulas!

2. Meeting with Cllr Mark Jones

2.1 Christine explained that the non-street tree felling in Rivelin valley proved fears about causing people to cluster. The definition of “essential work” was discussed. 2.2 Also discussed was the issue of how lack of clarity over guidelines and the definition of essential is causing needless stress. 

2.3 Christine will ask Darren Butt about re-opening work and how he can communicate that better.

2.4 It was discussed at the same meeting that we understand there won’t be much activity on the discussions with the Bishop until the current crisis has abated. There has still been no communication and proposals from the Bishop though, so nothing to appraise. Paul B also stated that STAG need a firm commitment from them in writing.

3. Joint Investigations

3.1 Christine explained that she and Helen are working with Darren to populate his spreadsheet with STAG JI comments. We could send separately, but Darren is contractually obliged to send it so it makes sense.

4. Street Trees Strategy

4.1 Next STS meeting is a week on Friday.

5 Chelsea Road Elm

5.1 Paul S is working with Karen from SCC to put up an Information Board next to the Chelsea Road elm. Designed by Paul and his brother and paid for by Tree of the Year 2016 prize money. SCC seem very open to the plan so far.

6. Street Tree Planting in Nether Edge

6.1 Paul S has been working with Darren Butt on his 40 suggested locations for additional street trees in Nether Edge, paid for by SNET funds.

6.2 Positive reaction so far from Amey. Noted that some initial locations not deemed suitable (reasons are not immediately obvious). However this will help with drafting a more detailed process in the longer run.

7. Future of Save Nether Edge Trees.

7.1 SNET now very close to becoming a sub-group of its successor group, called Nether Edge and Sharrow Sustainable Transformation (NESST). 

7.2 Alison Teal and Mark James driving the successor group forward. 

7.3 SNET will remain in place as a sub group until we have spent remaining funds on additional trees, and our remaining threatened trees have been officially saved.

8. Street Tree Wardens

8.1 Paul S has a video conference with Liz Ballard and Darren Butt next week to discuss in more detail how to get the Street Tree Warden scheme (confirmed in street tree strategy) off the ground. 

8.2 Paul will bring details back to SG when proposal is detailed enough.

9. One Thousand Oak Trees

9.1 Paul B gave an update on the 1,000 oaks. He’d made an initial approach and established that they’d still got them, but recently has been unable to contact them, so this is currently on hold. 

9.2 It’s possible to buy them off the website, but it’s not safe to do so without being confident that this triggers a delivery as well as a payment.


“STAG notes the significant and valued contribution that the late Alan Robshaw made to saving Sheffield’s street trees and our thoughts are with his family.”

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STAG Steering Group notes: 7 April 2020

1. Amey continuing to work during the “lockdown”

1.1 Concerns were expressed about Amey continuing to do various non-essential work during the “lockdown” period. This includes working practices that allow for no social distancing, two people in the same van, etc.

1.2 There have also been instances of felling dead saplings. STAG have no issue with the fellings as such. However, these are clearly non-essential work and it wouldn’t be a problem to leave them for another few months.

1.3 Paul Brooke and Christine have therefore drafted a letter to send to the Council expressing STAG concerns. 

2. Street Tree Strategy Update

2.1 Christine and Paul S gave an update on the latest Street Tree Strategy meeting, which was held on Friday 3rd April.

2.2 The Strategy work is now moving into the delivery phase. Steering Group members confirmed they were content for Christine and Paul S to continue to sit on the Delivery Group for the Strategy for the next 12 months.

3. Legal Work

3.1 Paul S had volunteered to take on the legal work as sole lead. Regrettably he no longer has the time to continue this at present owing to workload issues in the day job and elsewhere. 

3.2 Therefore the legal work has now paused, with nobody else able to take it forward at this time.

4. Tree Disease Symposium

4.1 Caroline has had to cancel the face to face Symposium she had been arranging with Jeremy Barrell and Ian Rotherham because of the current lockdown.

4.2 It is possible she may be able to rearrange something virtually after September. Plans are far enough advanced, and people keen enough, that she really does want to take it forward when it is safe to do so.

5. 1000 Oak Trees

5.1 It had been noted from Facebook posts that various tree nurseries are having to destroy 750,000 unwanted 2 year old oak saplings because of Covid19 and the lack of fulfilled government orders.

5.2 One nursery is selling off batches of 1000 saplings for £200. It is not accepting smaller orders and, if not bought in the next week, they will be destroyed.

5.3 Following debate on the Facebook page and discussion at Steering Group it was decided that STAG would buy a batch of 1000, for sale/gift in November 2020 Tree Planting Week.

6. STAG Facebook Group moderators

6.1 The moderators are feeling under pressure both because of the current situation and because of all the non-tree posts on the STAG Facebook Group page (lots of Covid19 issues and 5G conspiracy theories).

6.2 They recommended changing the posting rules, so that posts only go live if a moderator approves it. Steering Group accepted the recommendation.

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STAG Steering Group notes: 3 March 2020

1. Tree Huggers Celebration event.
1.1 In total around £350 to £400 was raised from the Pizza company, donations on the night, and sales of merchandise.

2. Street Tree Strategy.

2.1 Paul S gave an update. The draft document will be published next week for Cabinet scrutiny.

3. Trees identified for felling in 2020 by Amey.

3.1 All but 9 of the 193 trees identified have been visited by STAG SG members to confirm or query Amey recommendations. The remaining 9 will be done shortly.
3.2 Of the 184 viewed, we’ve asked for further information about 17%. The rest are not being contested as are clearly dead or seriously compromised.

4. Hanover Way Cycle Crossing.

4.1 This is not a specific street tree led issue, albeit 5 street trees will be felled.
4.2 STAG have formally disagreed with the proposal and suggested an alternative solution.
4.3 The Council have however decided to proceed. As mitigation, they have agreed to plant 15 new big trees nearby to compensate for the 5 to be felled.

5. Trees listed for felling for subsidence on Canterbury Avenue and Wisewood Avenue.

5.1 The consensus was to raise serious concerns with SCC and Amey about these proposed fells. There appears to be no real evidence that the trees are causing subsidence

6. Legal Case.

6.1 Little progress since last month. Paul S kindly offered to take the work on solely rather than working with Paul Brooke as he is currently overloaded.

7. The DEFRA Environment Bill and the “Sheffield clause”.

7.1 The draft Bill includes a “duty to consult” on street tree felling, which has been dubbed the “Sheffield clause”.
7.2 There was a debate about what it really meant, as the legal wording of the proposed bill hasn’t yet been published. It was agreed that, depending upon the drafting, it may align with our views.

8. LGO work.

8.1 No further progress.

9. Tree Disease Symposium.

9.1 Good progress has been made. Date and location firmed up and it will soon be advertised.
9.2 Jeremy Barrell will be the keynote speaker

10 Court Cases.

10.1 There was a discussion about the implications for the campaign of a particular case.

11. Implications for STAG of SNET planning to close the Nether Edge Tree Fund Account.

11.1 Paul S outlined how SNET planned to close the account at some point in the next 12 months as SNET morphed into the new local environmental group
11.2 This increases the pressure on STAG to set up its own account, with a constitution and trustees.

12. City wide TPO application.

12.1 Paul Brooke updated on progress. It will be sent in the next week or so.

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STAG Steering Group meeting: 4th February 2020

1. Joint Investigations

1.1 Restarted this week. A new team is working on Kenwood Road and seem to be doing a good job. Pace is slow, roughly two trees a day, only non-threatened trees so far.

1.2 Likely to take a very long time to go through all the remaining threatened trees.

1.3 The Council process to formally sign off the trees already investigated and “probably saved” is glacial. This will be raised at the next joint meeting.

2. Legal Update

2.1 Paul Brooke and Paul Selby updated STAG Steering Group on proactive legal work with Ben Manovic.

3. Annual Tree Management Plan

3.1 Amey shared this with STAG last week. It includes all pruning plans, planting plans, and lists 193 trees they intend to fell in 2020 which are dead, dying, diseased etc.

3.2 Various Steering Group members have already visited around 120 of them, to give an opinion. The other roughly 70 need to be visited urgently, so that comprehensive feedback can be given. Steering Group members should try to check some of the remaining trees and feedback to Helen K. Keep an eye out for lapsed pollards designated as “structural integrity.

3.3 Most of the trees visited so far really do need to be felled. However, there are a few which we are questioning.

4. Tree Disease Symposium

4.1 Caroline and Heather have made good progress working with Ian Rotherham to make proper plans for a Tree Disease Symposium, ideally in early June.

4.2 It will be focused on new tree diseases, and specifically how to deal with them in an urban environment, with a particular focus on phytophthora of Limes, and Ash Dieback.

4.3 There will be a requirement to video record the conference for the record.

4.4 Thoughts were shared on possible attendees including Jeremy Barrell, Joe Coles, Kate Spicer.

4.5 Costs – Hallam to provide free space. Other possible contributors are STAG, Amey, SCC.

5. Public Meeting and Celebration Party

5.1 STAG will hold a Public Meeting and Party on the evening of Saturday 22nd February at Theatre Deli.

5.2 The Public Meeting element will be focused on the future of STAG, consulting on the aim to turn STAG into a membership group, for the whole city, for the first time. Also on having a proper constitution, the potential for an elected committee, and its future aims.

5.3 The celebration will include turns from Calvin and Simon, Benoit, Break a Leg, and a DJ.

5.4 To be free but ticketed via Eventbrite and looking for voluntary donations towards Jaq’s film.

6. Hanover Way Cycle Crossing

6.1 Paul Brooke has responded to the details behind the proposal to fell three trees to allow for an upgraded cycle crossing of Hanover Way. In our opinion, at least two of the three trees don’t need to be felled.

6.2 STAG have also been asked about a suggestion to remove a tree in a planter near the Crucible. Trees in planters generally don’t do well and it is proposed for 2 replacements to be planted in the City Centre so it doesn’t seem appropriate to object on this occasion.

7. Inquiry

7.1 Paul B has contacted Alan Story but no further progress to report.

8. Abbeydale Park Rise

8.1 Amey is hosting a Public Meeting with APR residents, with support from Ann Anderson, consulting them on the plans to plant additional trees, and to remove five trees that are diseased/dead/damaged – all were agreed by us

8.2 Ann is relieved with the complete change of attitude from Amey. They have offered 8 additional trees to be planted to replace any removed. There are some issues to be resolved over the species of trees proposed.

8.3 Works due to commence 24 February for 3 days. To be followed by pavement and road resurfacing.

9. Street Tree Strategy

9.1 Paul S very briefly updated STAG. 

9.2 Draft posted on FB page. Any feedback to Paul S.

10. Blanket TPO for all Sheffield Trees

10.1 Draft on FB page. The letter proposing this will soon be sent to Sheffield Council.

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STAG Steering Group meeting: 7th January 2020

Actions from Last meeting 

There has been a submission of a letter of interest to the lottery climate fund and there has not yet been a response. 
There is a petition for the trees on Abbeydale Road started by a resident but it is widely recognised that Amey and Sheffield Council do not want any more street trees as they will cost money to maintain and become a liability. 

Pro-Legal Work 

A working document has been started which contains the key challenges and gripes. We have 5 days per month of pro-bono legal assistance and it was recognised that this should be used effectively.  

Tree Investigations 

Nothing has happened and there is no indication as to when this will resume. 
The tree review has been published and Stanley Rd has solutions defined for all trees except the bottom one. 
Action – Mark Jones (SCC) to be formally asked as to when the investigations will be re-started. 

Abbeydale Park rise 
There has been no reply to an email sent to Mark Jones (SCC). The Dore and Totley group have had a meeting with Mark Jones.  Amey have indicated to the residents that there is a solution for all trees and they can all be retained. 

Philip Beecroft, Head of Highway Maintenance at Sheffield City Council, still clearly believes that phased felling is still necessary even though the trees are healthy and they are not actually causing any damage that cannot be repaired.  There are still 306 trees on the felling list.  

Street Tree Stategy 

There was a meeting on the 20th Dec 2019 and there are three more meetings scheduled.  The document is reported to be going to the Council scrutiny committee; there is a deadline of the 17th
There is a meeting on street tree sustainability and Liz Ballard (SRWT) has nominated a STAG member to assist. 

Tree disease Conference 

We have a meeting with Ian Rotherham in Jan 2020 and the format is moving towards being a symposium. We need to create a definitive list of people we need in the room to make it a success. We also need some papers. Action – There is some Forestry research that needs to be forwarded to Caroline.   

Any Other Business 

Paul B will share in the next week the details of a TRA. 

Tree Planting Update 900 whips need a good home. Russel to talk to Andrew at the cricket club and Darren Butt (Amey) for suitable sites.  STAG still has funds so will provide the supports. 

STAG Future 
We should plan an open meeting in Mid to Late Feb 2020 to discuss the future. We should plan for 50 people and Shelley will help. It should be a weekday evening and we could use the Union Street café or the Quaker meeting house.  

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STAG Steering Group meeting: 3 December 2019

1. Matters arising

1.1 TPO – Paul passed round a brief note that will form the basis of this ongoing work.1.2 Loan to Sarah Deakin for merchandise approved.

2. Pro Active Legal Work

2.1 Paul S updated on this.

3. Review meeting with Councillors Jones and Bishop

3.1 This is still yet to happen at time of meeting.

4. Draft Tree Review Document

4.1 Final draft awaited for distribution.4.2 Also still to be run past key personnel in the Council.4.3 Publication date before Xmas likely.

5. People’s Inquiry

5.1  No further progress

6. Tree Disease Conference

6.1 No further news. Heather volunteered to assist Caroline.

7. National Lottery Climate Fund

7.1 Approach from Regather and Sheffield Climate Alliance re this funding.

7.2 Currently we’re not set up as an organisation in any official sense but no reason why we couldn’t be. 

7.3 An Expression of Interest could be submitted.

7.4 Paul B to take forward and potentially attend Sheffield Climate Alliance.

8. Petition for Street Trees on Abbeydale Road

8.1 A trader has set up this petition. Paul B to respond and offer assistance or engagement from STAG.

9. Tree Planting Update

9.1 STAG bought 2 trees for this initiative by Green City Heritage – a Sessile Oak and a Field Maple. Planted at Townfield Head Farm.

9.2 The Tree Charter Principles may form a template for a future STAG organisation. Heather to follow up with Woodland Trust representative.

9.3 Andrew and Russell still looking for suitable sites. Response so far has been slow. 

9.4 After delays surrounding the GCH initiative because of the actions of certain Councillors, Parks and Woodlands have now contacted us with a more positive approach.

9.5 The owner of Townfield Head Farm has proposed the use of some of their land as a potential community tree nursery.

9.6 Has anyone any space or contacts with space where whips could be planted? All SG members asked to look at this.

10. STAG Future

10.1 For info – Amey now have more detailed info on all street trees including CAVAT and itree information. Done for them by a separate company.

10.2 Noted that other Councils have started to resolve issues around street trees with “Tree Forums”. Not recommended that any similar body in Sheffield be called that owing to issues with previous incarnations.

10.3 What might a future organisational structure for STAG look like? It seems at present we are effectively an “Unincorporated Association”. If we wished to be “Incorporated” as a charity or a “Community Interest Company” that carries some legal advantages around liability. there is also the possibility of a new crossover – a “Charitable Incorporated Organisation”. Paul B will send round information he has gathered on the different models.

10.4 However, in all cases, any future STAG would need to have individuals willing to take on the leadership role. We would need some clarity on who that might be.

10.5 An open meeting to discuss the future is a possibility.

11. AOB

11.1 Paul H thanked those who had expressed willingness to assist the former Chair of Friends of the Botanical Gardens with information to assist her in writing an article.

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STAG Steering Group meeting: 5 November 2019

1. Tree Disease Conference

1.1 Caroline Millman met with Ian Rotherham to discuss ideas. He agreed he would be willing to help STAG organise the conference.

1.2 The exact nature of the conference remains to be decided but main priorities are to build a consensus view on how to deal with the Phytophthora outbreak in Lime trees and how to ensure Amey take a sensible approach to Ash Dieback, rather than felling all Ash trees at the first sign of disease.

1.3 Paul Selby took an action to begin a thread on the STAG Steering Group Facebook page to allow consensus building on the nature of the conference.

2. Tree Preservation Orders

2.1 This was a topic that Paul Brooke had raised at the previous SG meeting, but which we didn’t have much time to discuss.

2.2 The initial idea was to begin sending in many TPO applications for all sorts of urban trees, not just street trees, to get wide community participation in this and build a media campaign to put pressure on SCC.

2.3 However, following discussion, a better plan is to start by asking SCC to put a blanket TPO on all trees in the SCC geographic area, as part of the climate emergency.

3. Joint Investigations and the Review document

3.1 Re-drafting work continues but Paul Brooke still believes this will be published before Christmas.

4. Outstanding fines owed to SCC

4.1 SG members continue to support individuals in dispute with SCC over outstanding fines and sensible ways forward continue to be sought.

5. Legal Update

5.1 Paul Brooke and Paul Selby updated SG on conversations with legal advisers about potential future actions.

6. Further Legal Update

6.1 Paul Brooke will contact Rebecca about the action agreed some time ago.

7. People’s Inquiry Update

7.1 At the last meeting SG confirmed STAG’s support for Alan Story’s approach.

7.2 The launch of the General Election campaign means this is on hold until January

7.3 It was noted that separately Cllr Mark Jones is meeting with Bishop Pete in the next few weeks to discuss a potential “Truth and Reconciliation” project.

8. Tree Charter Tree Planting Event

8.1 The approach has changed in the last month, with the plan now being for Tree Charter week to be launched in a different way by Green City Heritage, with STAG in a supporting role.

8.2 More will be announced soon, but it is likely to be 30th November at Manor Hills.

9. Proposed Tree works on Ecclesall Road

9.1 Amey notified STAG on 4th November of potential fellings of 3 trees they are classifying as “dying” on Ecclesall Road this weekend.

9.2 STAG have opposed this approach given the short notice and the absence of any suggestion that the trees are currently dangerous. The short notice means that no independent advice can be sought.

9.3 These trees are also supposed to be subject to joint investigation work.

9.4 Amey have been informed of STAG’s view but have not yet responded.

9.5 UPDATE post meeting – Amey have decided not to proceed with any fellings on Ecclesall Road for the time being. 

10. Future of STAG

10.1 No further progress to report.

11. Tree Numbers

11.1 Christine is trying to get Amey and SCC to confirm how many street trees Amey will hand back to SCC at the end of the contract, plus how many it took over in 2012, and any explanations for differences in numbers.

11.2 However she is acting on partial information that doesn’t include all the data from Helen Kemp. 

11.3 In addition the situation is confused by Amey and SCC rounding up numbers and SCC’s inconsistent answers to enquiries.

11.4 The action was left with Christine to formulate a clear idea of what she needs to know, then to pose those questions clearly to SCC. Finally to take up with Paul Brooke and Tree Strategy group if she isn’t happy with answers received.

12. Request for a loan

12.1 Sarah Deakin approached Chris and Paul to seek a loan from STAG of £1000 to fund the production of 100 more Heartwood poem glossy framed pictures to generate funds in STAGs name for Indian tree planting initiatives (one of Robert Macfarlane’s ideas).

12.2 Steering Group approved provisionally, subject to Chris confirming he was content to make such loans as STAG Treasurer.

13. Dead Trees notified by Amey

13.1 A month ago Amey notified STAG of around 80 dead trees they intend to fell.

13.2 STAG SG members have inspected every one and accepted all are dead apart from 6 where we have asked for further information.

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STAG Steering Group meeting: 1 October 2019

1. Treasurers Update

1.1Chris Rust, STAG Treasurer, attended the full Steering Group meeting, and provided a verbal financial update. All supporters loans have now been repaid.

2. Merchandise Sales and Documentary film funding.

2.1 There was a long discussion about the agreed donation of £500 to Jaq Pitchelwitch’s documentary film on the campaign and whether it should be increased and whether another filmmaker’s documentary should be supported. It was agreed that the donation to Jaq’s film should remain at £500 and that no other films would receive funding at this time.

2.2 it was also agreed that Cecilie should continue selling STAG merchandise with funds to be directed to Jaq’s film and that this arrangement could continue until further notice

3. Joint Tree Inspections and the Review

3.1 The draft of the minutes and lessons learned from the Review meeting are undergoing final re-drafting, before it is published on the Council website.

3.2 It is agreed that it is an excellent document at the moment, and contains things that could be useful in future dealings with the Council.

3.3 Helen Kemp’s photographs and evidence will also be included in the document.

3.4 Joint Investigations remain on hold. But this is acceptable for both STAG and Amey because the Review document includes lessons learned that will allow Amey to save trees more easily and in better ways, once the investigations re-start

4. Future of STAG

4.1 An initial session had been held on this topic at the June meeting but no progress has been made since then.

4.2 SNET have made some progress on future legacy issues at their meetings and this has prompted STAG Steering Group to add this back to the Steering Group agenda. 

4.3 It is also the case that most other local groups have become somewhat moribund. Bearing this in mind, Paul Brooke proposed that STAG aim to become a city wide tree action group with membership and a constitution, inviting members of local groups across the city to become members.

4.4 There was a debate about what would then happen to the local tree action groups, with the general consensus being to “mothball” them, not wind them down, so that they were ready to spring up again, should conflict with Sheffield Council ever return.

4.5 All of this should not be fully implemented until peace with the Council and Amey is fully signed up to, likely possible date being Spring 2020.

4.6 Paul Brooke agreed to draft a proposal document that could be used as a consistent message to all local groups, when consulting them.

5. Legal Update

5.1 Paul Selby provided a very brief update, which was that Ben Manovic (pro bono solicitor and STAG supporter) is still looking at the legal questions Paul Brooke and I asked him.

6. LGO complaints about injunctions

6.1 This was something Rebecca had agreed to take forward but no progress as yet to report. Action agreed for Rebecca to begin a draft complaint letter that could be used as a template.

7. People’s Inquiry

7.1 Paul Brooke and Paul Selby updated Steering Group members on the proposal that Alan Story has made to hold a People’s Inquiry into the Sheffield Street Tree Crisis. It would be modelled on something Huddersfield is currently doing, hiring a retired Judge to chair an Inquiry into a hospital closure.

7.2 As nobody else was doing anything serious to start an Inquiry it would appear that either somebody else needs to lead on getting one, or STAG needs to lend our support to Alan’s proposal.

7.3 The consensus in Steering Group was to support the initiative, but that it would benefit from being officially independent of STAG, even if Steering Group members sat on the organising group.

7.4 Chris R had completed an action he began in the Spring to create an easy to use repository, where any member of the public could submit evidence for the Inquiry. He now will write up simple to understand guidance

7.5 Paul Brooke agreed to speak to Alan, confirming what STAG Steering Group had agreed.

8. Tree Disease Conference

8.1 It was agreed back in April/May that STAG should organise one, with the main topic being the Phytophthora disease of lime trees, and what to do about it in an urban environment. Some STAG Steering Group members had agreed to take it forward but, for a variety of reasons, there has been no progress.

8.2 Caroline Millman agreed to do what she could, and Paul Brooke agreed to send her a “brain dump” of his thoughts to date.

9. Tree Planting

9.1 Russell Johnson and Paul Brooke updated everyone on continued progress towards their goal of lots of STAG organised tree planting during the last week of November. Publicity will be going out soon.

9.2 Steering Group members approved funding of up to £1000, should it be needed.

9.3 Combined with the tree planting, Russell talked about a potential social event on the evening of November 23rd.

10. New Trees Listed for Felling by Amey

10.1 Darren Butt had notified Helen Kemp of a new batch of 80 Dead/Dying/Diseased trees which Amey want to fell in the coming weeks.

10.2 Steering Group members volunteered to inspect some of them, and divide the rest up on the Steering Group Facebook Group post Helen had made.

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Posted in Minutes from official meetings

STAG Steering Group meeting: 3 September 2019

1. Matters Arising
1.1 Paul B approved payment to Jaq Pixelwitch for her film about the campaign.
1.2 Rebecca/Paul B still looking at framework complaint letters for people to use.

2. Tree Review with SCC/Amey
2.1 Hugh, Paul B, Heather, Christine and Helen have attended.
2.2 In the case of trees for potential felling now or in the future SCC have said they won’t approve any without evidence of investigations having occurred and photos.
2.3 For discriminatory trees they have confirmed that they don’t require a wide
pavement on both sides of the road.
2.4 Helen showed attendees a slideshow of example trees which proved that the ITP was right on numerous occasions where they recommended that a tree could be saved.
2.5 There are examples of trees where a kerbstone has been left out and these were shown.
2.6 The review group are now looking at how the first draft will be written with examples of lessons learned and actions for the future. Likely to be by subject or theme, eg, kerbline.
2.7 Paul B will send the draft round to SG for comments in due course.

3. Legal Update
3.1 An update on meetings with legal representatives and potential future steps was given.

4. Tree Conference
4.1 PB has contacted the University via Ffion. She has suggested contacting Nigel Dunnett and Ian Rotherham, PB will send emails to these contacts. Lee Armstrong will send PB details of other possible contacts.
4.2 The Street Trees and politics conference is in a couple of weeks.

5. Joint Investigations
5.1 Currently paused. Some of the Amey team with experience have left or are unavailable. There will be a need for others to be brought in who can learn the methodology before a restart can be made.

6. Street Tree Strategy
6.1 STAG has produced some documentation in preparation which has been sent round.
6.2 The next meeting has been delayed but others have been scheduled for the next few months.

7. SCC Cabinet changes
7.1 Cllr Mark Jones has taken over the remit and has been contacted by Paul B and Christine. He has responded positively.

8. Tree Planting
8.1 Scheme preparation is up and running. PB has followed up with Woodland Trust and Trees for Cities are also interested. Councillors could be contacted for possible locations.

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Posted in Minutes from official meetings, News
The Felling – An Epic Tale of People Power

Innocent protest to save Sheffield’s healthy street trees turns into a nightmare, as a small group of brave suburbanites take on their Council, the police and a multinational corporation.

Crowdfunder: street trees legal fund

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Heartwood TiCL trail

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