STAG Steering Group meeting notes – 5th January 2021

1. Financial Assurance

1.1 Chris has continued to progress all the tasks agreed a month ago. The draft documents had all been signed off by Steering Group members a week earlier.

1.2 Documentation will be completed in the next week or so and, as soon as this is done, it will allow for the transfer of STAG funds.

1.3 Steering Group formally thanked Chris for his efforts.

2. Progress towards establishing Future STAG

2.1 There are now 93 members of “Future STAG” who have signed up using the Membership form that has been widely circulated.

2.2 Chris and Phil Yates are acting as “Membership Secretary” for now. Jane Miller may eventually take up this role.

2.3 Googlegroups are being set up to ensure confidentiality of email addresses, and around 63 of the members are also on the new “invite only” STAG members Facebook page.

2.3 Annie Franklin, known to Chris and Helen Kemp, has agreed to take on the role of organising the first AGM, including the important tasks of replacing interim Committee members with elected members, as well as consulting on and signing off the interim constitution.

3. 2021 Felling List

3.1 Roughly 180 trees were on this list, submitted to STAG in late November. The majority of these were already known to STAG and were clearly dead or badly diseased.

3.2 Only 44 remain to be visited by STAG SG members, and Russell, Christine and Helen allocated these amongst themselves.

4. Additional Street Tree Planting Process

4.1 Paul S had updated STAG SG just before Christmas in written format, and briefly updated verbally.

5. Phytopthera Tree Disease Conference

5.1 Caroline couldn’t attend the meeting but had provided a written update just before the meeting.

6. Kids Plant Trees Request

6.1 An organisation called Kids Plant Trees had contacted Christine seeking to add STAG to a petition to Sheffield City Council requesting that SCC announce a “Biodiversity Crisis”.

6.2 After a short discussion Steering Group members supported this request.

7. Bullying and Harrassment

7.1 Steering Group discussed what needed to be done in regard to recent issues and agreed a plan of action.

7.2 It was suggested that there would be a need for new administration rules on the new STAG Members Facebook page.

8. AOB

8.1 Heather has been unable to take forward the work to produce a fortnightly/monthly News Update for all STAG Supporters because of illness.

8.2 Steering Group agreed to this work being postponed until “Future STAG” is fully established.

8.3 Steering Group formally recorded their thanks to Heather for continuing with her daily update posts on the STAG Facebook page.

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Posted in Minutes from official meetings
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